Meet The Founder

Symeria Thompson, a 22-year-old young woman born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. Growing up always had a dream of becoming a businesswoman and eventually began her journey during her junior year of high school. She developed bad acne, which lead her to attempt different in-store products and even received medical advice from a dermatologist. Overall, nothing seemed to help her skin which lead her into doing her own research.
After research, she discovered and created her own skin care mask in the kitchen of her home which was made of all natural products. She attempted more products, which all gave her positive results. After months of research, decided she wanted to share her creation with the world and help other men and women struggling with acne. 
Symeria has a drive and passion for helping others. "I love being able to recommend products to customers that will be beneficial to their skin type and just knowing that I can make someone feel amazing in their own skin" she said. Her overall plan is to continue to grow Beauty Of The Bubbles and help as many people as possible gain their confidence back.